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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. 

© 2020 MrB89.com



the CREATIVE journey

- Concept T-Shirts-

To celebrate the creation of the blog, I have decided to create a series of T-shirts in shades of purple, white, and black (for now). These T-shirts have been designed to honor the individuals who, in my opinion, have contributed or are making a significant impact on the world.


Each T-shirt has been carefully designed to represent characters who have had a significant impact in various areas of society, such as art, science, activism, and many others. 


The selection of these protagonists is currently based on my personal evaluation of their contribution to global progress and transformation.

Through these T-shirts, my intention is to pay tribute to these inspiring figures and raise awareness of their important role in shaping our world. Each T-shirt becomes a tangible way to carry the message of change and to remember the positive influence we can have on our communities and the world as a whole.


In addition to providing an opportunity to delve deeper into the subject of the T-shirts and the depicted characters, the blog will also feature dedicated articles for each protagonist, exploring their stories, achievements, and the impact they have had on the world. It will be a way to deepen our knowledge of these extraordinary personalities and draw inspiration from their determination and courage in driving change forward.


I hope that this initiative, along with the blog's content, can stimulate meaningful discussions and raise greater awareness about the agents of change, encouraging readers to consider their potential in shaping a better future.


Concept T-shirt in purple, black and white with a depiction of Tash Sultana on the back.

To expand the selection of protagonists for future editions of the T-shirt series, I have decided to actively involve the blog's community. Surveys and voting will be organized to allow readers to express their preferences and suggestions regarding the characters they would like to see represented.


This choice stems from the desire to create an inclusive and participatory selection process, where the voice of the community is heard and taken into consideration. I firmly believe that it is important to involve all those who follow the blog, as the diversity of opinions and perspectives enriches the discussion and contributes to making the T-shirt series more representative and meaningful.


Through regular surveys and close interaction with the community, it will be possible to identify new protagonists who have made a significant impact in the world and deserve to be honored with a T-shirt from the series. 


This collective selection process will allow us to discover inspiring figures from various spheres, such as literature, music, philosophy, sports, and much more.


I am excited about the idea of actively involving the community in the selection of protagonists and shaping the future of the T-shirt series. It will be a way to create a deeper connection between readers and the blog, and to give everyone the opportunity to contribute and make their voices heard.


I am confident that this collaboration with the community will allow us to discover new extraordinary characters and create T-shirts that are authentic representations of the values and ideals we all share.

- T-Shirts - 

work in progress.jpeg